Success Stories


Written by Animal Haven | Aug 22, 2023 12:27:12 AM

We adopted Bill from Animal Haven in September 2018, and he brings us so much joy every single day!

My partner and I went to Animal Haven looking for a senior cat to bring into our home, and volunteers suggested we meet Bill, a 10-year-old who had recently been released from a 6-month quarantine after sustaining an animal bite in another shelter. We knew from his calm disposition and the love that the volunteers expressed for him that Bill was our perfect pet! We were able to take him home that same day.

Bill’s sweet personality shone through immediately, and he is an absolute love bug! After only 24 hours in his new home, he was already snuggling with us on the couch and sleeping on the foot of the bed. Since then, he has cuddled with us every day and even curls up in the laps of visitors without hesitation. His favorite activities include lounging on his cardboard couch, watching pigeons out the window, and taking naps while some soft jazz plays. He is my very first cat, so I wasn’t fully sure what cat ownership might have in store, but he has exceeded all expectations in the most loving way.

Of course we know that Bill is special, but others seem to think so to! From the Animal Haven volunteers to his cat sitters, and from our friends and family to his veterinarian, everyone tells us that Bill’s sweet personality makes him such a special cat. We are so thankful for Animal Haven for choosing to take him in after his initial injury and keeping him safe so he could ride out his senior years with us. We shower him with love every day, and he gives it right back – so we know he is appreciative too! He has changed our lives with his unconditional gratitude, trust, and love.
