Success Stories


Written by Animal Haven | Jun 14, 2024 10:46:58 PM

Nutmeg is an entirely new dog...not only has she transformed from the emaciated dog we met back in February, but she has a HOME! 

Nutmeg was rushed to an emergency vet earlier this year after collapsing. Weak and nearly skeletal, her body was covered in painful open wounds. The former owners opted for euthanasia and surrendered Nutmeg to the vet, where Animal Haven was called to step in to help save this poor girl. At a shocking 22 lbs, Nutmeg required intensive care and also had painful wounds, which veterinarians suspected were from urine scalding and bone contact with the ground from malnutrition. Once stabilized, Nutmeg came to Animal Haven, where we facilitated her daily thiamine injections, IV fluids, and bandage changes, as well as carefully-controlled feelings to prevent organ failure. Even on her lowest days, Nutmeg was a complete sweetheart—leaning in for head rubs and wagging her tail. 

After a couple months, Nutmeg went to a foster home to continue building strength. It’s no surprise that her foster fell in love with her and made things official. He shared photos and an update with us, saying, “She loves to give hugs—if she sees somebody she knows when we're out walking she will go up to them and stand, wrap her arms around them and not let go. It really is the cutest. She loves being in the grass. The first time she was off leash (fenced in area) she ran laps and laps around us and wouldn't stop for a while. And she is fast!  At first she had no interest in toys—I’m not sure she even understood what they were. But now she catches her stuffed lamb from Animal Haven if it's tossed to her and will play tug a bit. She loves to give kisses and be near her people.”