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An Animal Haven volunteer affectionately ruffles a shelter dog's fur.

Volunteer with Animal Haven

We’re a community of passionate animal welfare advocates who roll up our sleeves to enrich the lives of homeless cats and dogs.

Become a volunteer

As a volunteer, you play a vital role in our daily operations, lending a helping hand in our facility alongside Animal Haven staff.

If there is anything you are physically unable to do, please notify us before you begin volunteering, and we will plan accordingly.


Volunteer Duties

Your duties could include (but are not limited to):

  • Cleaning animal areas and facility
  • Speaking to the public about Animal Haven’s mission
  • Dog walking, feeding, handling
  • Cat socializing, feeding, handling
  • Bathing animals
  • Greeting guests for special events

Volunteer Requirements

Although we’d love to give a spot to everyone, these ensure the safety of our pets and staff. 

  • Must be 18+ years old. All abilities welcome.

  • Minimum 6-month commitment for a standing weekly 2-hour shift.

  • $50 donation required to cover cost of volunteer t-shirt and training.
  • No guests are allowed during volunteer shifts.

Ready to apply?

Once you’ve read our volunteer requirements and ensured you can meet all the criteria, please fill out our Volunteer Application.

Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing. Once we have processed your application, we’ll email you to set up an in-person volunteer orientation.

Applications will close when orientations are full!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The first step is to fill out our Volunteer Application, linked above if applications are open. Once we have received your application, you will be contacted through email to set up a Volunteer Orientation (please allow 4-6 weeks for processing).

  • Yes. Volunteers must be 18 years or older.

  • The minimum commitment is a standing 2-hour shift each week for at least 6 months.

  • New volunteers are kindly asked to make a one-time, tax-deductible donation of $50 at the time of your first volunteer orientation.

    This covers the cost of your volunteer t-shirt, online scheduling account, training, and application processing. We are very grateful for your help and realize that many volunteers donate their time in lieu of a monetary contribution. But without this extra help, we could not afford to maintain a successful volunteer program.

  • Right away! You will receive the login information for our online scheduling program immediately following your second orientation.

  • We are back to normal operations since the pandemic. Volunteers are welcome to wear a mask if they feel comfortable doing so but this is no longer required. You’ll learn more about specifics during your orientation.

  • Unfortunately, no. We do not have volunteers under the age of 18 working at the shelter because we cannot be responsible for minors. Additionally, if you are watching your child, you are not focusing 100% on your job, which can be dangerous.

  • No. Anyone who performs the duties of a volunteer or enters Staff Only areas (such as the corrals) must be a registered volunteer of Animal Haven. This is for the safety of our staff, volunteers, and animals.

  • We do have a foster program that is open to Animal Haven volunteers. You will find out more about this at your volunteer orientation.

  • Animal Haven volunteers are welcome to volunteer at all events. Once you have attended orientation, you will begin to receive regular volunteer emails with information on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

  • Our cats and dogs are all under veterinary care and have received their standard vaccinations. In the event an animal comes down with a contagious infection, we isolate them from the rest of the shelter and inform volunteers of their condition. While we take every precaution to protect our staff and volunteers, the risk of contracting minor infections (i.e. Ringworm), is present in all animal shelters and facilities with a large number of animals.

  • Animal Haven has a place for everyone. Some of our volunteer opportunities (such as dog walking) require volunteers to be in good physical condition, however, we have different options for volunteers of all abilities.