
At just 10 weeks old, Dotty was fighting for his life—and Animal Haven was asked to help. Dotty was diagnosed with parvovirus, a deadly virus that often means the worst for young pups if left untreated. Thanks to our Recovery Road fund supporters, we were able to say yes and ensure Dotty received life-saving, supportive care in the ICU from a dedicated veterinary team.
Thankfully, Dotty overcame the virus and soon went into a foster home—where he quickly won the heart of his foster mom, who decided to keep him! “Dotty, now named August, is doing so well and has completely bounced back from Parvo! He’s the sweetest, goofiest little pup and has completely taken over my apartment. His favorite snacks are ice cubes, peanut butter and frozen carrots and he spends most of his time chasing his tennis ball, chewing on his corn chew toy and napping. We’re looking forward to getting him potty trained and acclimated to his Upper East Side life over the next few months.”